Muhammad Baki

Junior Web Developer

Hi! 👋🏻 I'm Muhammad

🎓 2 Years of experimental code

🎨 Frontend Focused

👨🏻‍💻 Fullstack Capable

🤖 Leveraging AI Tools

Profile Picture

Languages & Frameworks

HTML Icon CSS Icon JavaScript Icon PHP Icon Python Icon MySQL Icon React Icon Bootstrap Icon


Drum Machine

Drum Machine

A Drum Machine created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for users to play virtual drums using mouse clicks or keyboard input.

Retro Calculator

Calculator App

A calculator application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It offers a user-friendly interface while performing basic arithmetic calculations.

Product Landing page

Handcrafted Trombones Landing Page

A product landing page about handcrafted trombones, built with HTML and CSS.

Technical Documentation

Technical Documentation

This HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-based technical documentation offers essential information for JavaScript developers with a clean design.

Pomodoro Clock

25+5 Clock

A 25+5 clock, also known as a Pomodoro Timer, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This productivity tool helps users manage their work and break intervals with a visual countdown timer, enhancing focus and efficiency.

Survey Form

Survey Form

A simple Survey form built with HTML and CSS.


Drop me a message! 👇🏻